Cosplay Contest
Entries are judged on the overall appearance of their cosplay, and the quality of the construction of the costume. Purchased costumes may NOT compete in this category. Cosplays must be 50-80% hand made by the costume creator (depending on your division). Costume creator may have a model wear and show their costume as long as the costume creator is present during the judging slot and cosplay contest. Credit will go to the costume creator and the model. If both crafter and model collaborated on the cosplay, proof of collaboration must be provided in progress pictures which must be shown to the judges during judging slot. If an outfit includes a combination of created and purchased items, any purchased pieces must be disclosed to the judges on your entry form. Judges have the exclusive ability to determine a costumes eligibility in the Craftmanship contest.
Entries are judged on acting, memorization, representation, and presence. For example, how well they can act like a certain character, perform a skit, present themselves in their cosplay and more. Purchased costumes are welcome to compete in this category.
This category is for those who do not wish to compete, they may use purchased/commissioned cosplays. Contestants in this division are ineligible for any awards but they can earn honorable mentions or shout outs.
Participants need to be under the age of 13. The costume(s) may be purchased, made at home or a combination of both. They’ll be judged based on presentation of cosplay on stage.
If this is your first Cosplay experience or you have never won a "Best in Category" Cosplay award, this is your division. Costumes must be at least 50% hand made by the cosplayer if they're competing in the Craftmanship category. Ages 13 and up.
If you have ever won a "Best in Category" Cosplay award this is your category. Costumes must be at least 60% hand made by the cosplayer if they're competing in the Craftmanship category. Ages 13 and up.
If you have won two or more "Best in Category" Cosplay awards, you are a master. A higher level of cleanliness, creativity, and overall mastery of craft will be expected in this category. Costumes must be at least 80% hand made by the cosplayer if they're competing in the Craftmanship category. Ages 13 and up.
• Rules may be subject to change at any time.
• All contestants must be registered attendees of Isekai Anime Con.
• Only one entry allowed per person for the cosplay contest.
• The maximum number of participants allowed in a group is 8; this number includes stage ninjas or other non-competing helpers.
• You may choose whether or not to come on stage with the stage dark or lit up. However, we will not change the lights during your skit, they will stay the same the entire time once the skit begins.
• We will only accept submissions in MP3 format.
• Music/dialogue submitted to Isekai Anime Con for the Competition must be 2 minutes and 30 seconds or less. If you need more time you can email our cosplay contest coordinator at prior to submitting your Cosplay Contest form.
• All audio must be submitted through the Audio form found on our website by February 8, 2024 11:59pm. If we do not receive it by then you will be disqualified.
• Be on time for your judging slot. If you miss it, the show will be late and disorganized therefore we cannot make any exceptions. You will be disqualified.
• Disqualified contestants will not be allowed on stage.
• Only participants, handlers, and parents of those in the Youth category may be present during Cosplay Judging.
• If you make 75% or more of your income from crafting or sewing, or you are performing in a semi-professional to professional capacity you must compete in the Master division.
• All contestants must be able to move their costume on their own.
• If your costume is made almost entirely by someone else, they must be present to win in workmanship and the prize will go to them, you will get some credit for being the model.
• The judges, have the right to change your division to a higher division to create a fair competition. Consider this an honor. The coordinator and judges also have the right to not give out an award for any reason they see fit.
• If your cosplay/prop/performance has won a “Best in” award at a convention of similar size or BIGGER, you may NOT compete with it.
• If your cosplay/prop/performance has won a “Best in” award at a SMALLER convention, you MAY compete with it.
• If your cosplay/prop/performance has won 2 or more “Best in” awards you may not compete with it regardless of convention size.
• Judge’s Choice and Honorable Mention awards do not count toward your number of awards won to define your division and eligibility.
• Costumes from Japanese and western media are allowed. This includes anime, manga, video games, comic books or film adaptations. Costumes outside these categories require pre-approval.
• Performance content that is a direct duplicate of an existing performance will get you disqualified. This rule does not apply to scenarios in which you have competed with a specific performance at another convention but it did not win any awards.
• Passing other people's work off as your own original work whether it be crafting, designing, or performance, or not making the required percentage of your cosplay specified by your division (50-80%) is considered unethical and will get you disqualified.
• Presentations have a required minimum of 30 seconds to be on stage in any competing category. That way, the judges have enough time to actually do their job and see/judge your cosplay or performance.
• Presentations may not exceed 2 minutes, 30 seconds in duration, unless you have received permission by our department head.
• Objects may not be thrown into the audience.
• There will be no access to electrical outlets on stage.
• Surprises are not allowed. Any last minute changes need to be reported to the department coordinator before the day of the cosplay contest. If you want us to keep a surprise secret from the judges and audience, we can do that - but you MUST tell our cosplay coordinator ( what you plan on doing. Deviating from your described performance without any notice will get you disqualified.
• Contestants who leave the building during the cosplay contest may lose their turn to appear on stage.
• Profanity and obscene, lewd gestures, blatant nudity are NOT allowed. Keep bad language to a minimum level. Use some discretion with your character, props and presentation. Keep it PG-13.
• Costumes and presentation shall not be used as a political, religious, etc. statement.
• Shoes are required on stage.
• Your cosplay and/or skit must be finished before lining up for the cosplay contest. No sewing, gluing, spray painting, welding, or other construction work is allowed backstage. However, final assembly of large pieces and/or props and unexpected repairs will be allowed.
• Participants will be required to sign a liability waiver for using the stage to perform and a release for use of any videos and photo images procured by the convention.
• For safety reasons, the following are not allowed: Live animals, substances which might damage or soil, aerosol sprays, projectiles of any kind. No pyrotechnics will be allowed including but not limited to: fire, flash powder, explosives, smoke bombs or fireworks.
• Prop blades must be fake and dull. Live steel is NOT allowed. This includes real swords, knives, blades, guns, etc.
• Entries that could potentially damage the Convention Center facilities, other participants or the wearer will not be allowed. Illegal weapons of any kind are not allowed.
• Prop weapons used as part of the costume are allowed with restrictions. You are expected to act responsibly with your prop weapon. If you decide to carry a prop weapon, by attending you accept any legal and financial responsibility for damage your weapon may cause to persons or property.
• No real weapons whatsoever, including airsoft guns. Prop weapons must be obviously fake. Prop firearms must have an orange tip with no projectiles loaded.
The Cosplay Contest Director and Coordinator have the right to eliminate any
entry from the competition on the basis of taste, danger to the audience,
building or yourself, violation of any of the above rules, or any other reason
deemed sufficient.